Catalog of Polish manufacturers


Na naszej stronie w zakładce “Współpraca międzynarodowa” wstawiliśmy katalog polskich producentów zrzeszonych w naszej Izbie. Katalog w wersji elektronicznej dostępny jest w języku polskim, angielskim i rosyjskim.

On our website in part “International cooperation” we have listed a catalog of Polish producers associated in our Chamber. The electronic catalog is available in Polish, English and Russian. We send it to our Climmar partners, as well as to anybody who wishes to cooperate with Polish producers of agricultural machinery. The printed version of the catalog in Russian will be distributed at the Trade and Investment Promotion Section of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Kiev and the Europe-East Association, during the “Days of Polish Agriculture” organized by the Agricultural Fair “EURO AGRO – 2017” in Lvov on 28-29. November 2017.