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The first electric self-loading feeding robot Euromilk


EM Qube after the premiere in 2019 as CONCEPT has a production version and serial sale.

The robot picks feed components according to the programmed feeding schedule. Up to 8 feeding groups can be created, and each of them will receive feed of customised composition several times
a day. When dosing the feed, QUBE regularly pushes food towards animals.

Feed can be supplied from a feed kitchen or directly from silos.

A modular cutter enables dosing of any type of feed.

When the TMR ingredients are prepared and mixed, the robot disconnects from the loading tower and moves to a barn to dispense feed.


– electrical motor – fuel savings

– fresh feed supplied several times a day

– option for supplying several feeding groups

– a feed kitchen supplied once for a few days

– a size of the fed herd up to 200 animals